Professional Transport Services

Vehicle operators who committed road safety offences in 2021

7 Nov 2022

Road safety offences committed by operators in Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) from January to December 2021.  The reports from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021 include defects and offences DVSA found during roadside checks and visits to operator sites with data sorted by country and then by operator name.  They do not include offences found by the police.

The reports show:

  • the operator’s name
  • their operator’s licence number (some countries require operators to have more than one operator licence)
  • the number of vehicles the operator had registered on their operator licence
  • the number of prohibitions issued for mechanical defects
  • the number of advisory inspection notices issued for mechanical defects
  • the number of offences where a fine was issued for mechanical defects that DVSA found
  • the number of drivers hours offences DVSA found
  • the number of overloading offences DVSA found
  • the amount of the fines that had to be paid
  • the number of other traffic offences DVSA found

Other traffic offences include:

  • failing to produce records
  • falsification of records
  • tachograph offences
  • any offence where an ‘offence rectification notice’ (ORN) was issued by a DVSA examiner
  • any other offences not covered under drivers hours, overloading or mechanical offences

Many operators may not realise they are included in the data, it is worth a look.