Professional Transport Services

Traffic Commissioners update Covid-19 advice

28 Dec 2021

The Traffic Commissioners have updated their advice issued to assist the transport industry during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

The main changes involve the registration of local bus services and the reinstatement of advice related to maintenance intervals, as follows:

  • Local bus services operating under a temporary variation can continue doing so until 31 August 2022 (previously 31 March 2022), after which they should revert to their pre-March 2020 position
  • Extension of the process for making temporary service variations using the shortened process until 1 March 2022
  • Advice for operators to liaise with local authorities where local bus services are subject to short term disruption and to effectively publicise affected services to assist the service users
  • Advice on the steps an operator should take when preventative maintenance inspections (PMIs) cannot be conducted within the stated timescale advised to the traffic commissioner. It is the operator’s responsibility to ensure that vehicles are operated safely

Full details can be found at: