Professional Transport Services

Steps to easing lockdown

24 Feb 2021

The Prime Minister made a statement to the House of Commons this afternoon detailing the roadmap out the current lockdown in England

The roadmap contains 4 stages that are intended to ease the current lockdown restrictions


The key dates:

8 March

•            Schools and Colleges will reopen for all students

•            Practical Higher Education can resume

•            Exercise & Recreation outdoors with family/bubble or one other person


29 March

•            Rule of 6 or two households outdoors

•            Organised outdoor sport

•            Outdoor sport and leisure facilities allowed to open

•            Outdoor parent and child groups (up to 15 adults)

•            Stay at home by law replaced with minimise travel message


12 April (at earliest)

•            Outdoor hospitality can re-open

•            All retail and personal care can re-open

•            Libraries and Community Centres can re-open

•            Most outdoor attractions can re-open

•            Indoor leisure including Gyms can open

•            Self-contained accommodation can open

•            Overnight stays allowed with own household

•            All children’s activities allowed

•            Indoor parent and child groups (up to 15 adults)


17 May (at earliest)

•            Groups of 30 outdoors

•            Rule of 6 or two households indoors

•            Indoor hospitality

•            Indoor entertainment and attractions

•            Remaining accommodation

•            Remaining outdoor attractions

•            Domestic overnight stays

•            International Travel (subject to review)

•            Indoor events 1,000 people (or 50% of capacity)

•            Outdoor seated events 10,000 (or 25% of capacity)

•            Other outdoor events 4,000 (or 50% of capacity)


21 June (at earliest)

•            No limit on social gatherings

•            All remaining businesses including nightclubs

•            International Travel


The Government has reiterated that the public must continue following the guidance to reduce transmission of the virus including good hand hygiene and observing social distancing.

Getting tested if you have symptoms and self-isolating if the test is positive will remain important

Businesses must also continue to take the necessary precautions and follow the appropriate guidance to remain COVID secure as restrictions ease.


The Government will update COVID Secure guidance to provide further advice on how businesses can improve fresh air flow in indoor workplaces and introduce regular testing to reduce risk

The Government will continue to monitor existing enforcement powers and modify them if necessary.


The police and local authorities are able to take action against people who break the law and apply sanctions for those businesses that are not operating safely

Further information: