Professional Transport Services

Sevington and Holyhead IBFs to close November

5 Oct 2022

Two temporary Inland Border Facilities (IBFs) will close in November 2022

The two remaining interim Inland Border Facilities (IBF) sites Warrington and Ebbsfleet, will close on 13 November and 27 November respectively, following the closure of Birmingham and North Weald IBFs earlier this year.

Testing at the Sevington and Holyhead IBFs showed these two larger facilities can handle all IBF traffic without the support of the smaller sites. Therefore Ebbsfleet and Warrington IBFs will close ahead of the planned December closure date.

Further information:,Customs%20(HMRC)%20announced%20today.&text=See%20all%20updates-,Two%20temporary%20Inland%20Border%20Facilities%20(%20IBFs%20)%20will%20be%20closing%20earlier,Customs%20(%20HMRC%20)%20announced%20today.