Professional Transport Services

Senior Traffic Commissioner’s Statutory Documents: consultation on 2022 revisions

12 Dec 2022

Consultation closes at 11:59pm on 15 January 2023

Consultation description

The Senior Traffic Commissioner’s Statutory Documents describe how traffic commissioners apply the law and take a proportionate approach in their regulatory powers. They also give advice to operators, transport managers and drivers who are regulated by traffic commissioners.

This framework is needed to ensure consistent and fair regulation of the commercial vehicle industries.

The documents are reviewed regularly. Many of the amendments made in this latest review recognise changes in the law and decisions made by the Upper Tribunal.

Scope of the consultation

The Statutory Documents which have proposed amendments have been uploaded to accompany this document with the changes flagged in red, the Senior Traffic Commissioner welcomes comments from stakeholders on the changes made. It is anticipated that uploading documents in this way should assist users to easily identify and target their responses specifically to those changes. There is no requirement to provide comment on areas which have not changed.

Methods for response are detailed at the link below: