Professional Transport Services


11 Feb 2021

Transport for London (TfL) have advised that a grace period will be offered to operators who have a confirmed retrofit arranged for a non-compliant vehicle. Vehicles that have a confirmed booking with a CVRAS-approved fitter for a CVRAS-approved retrofit solution will be granted a three months grace period, during which the LEZ daily charge will not need to be paid if driving in the zone.


The three month period will start from the date that notification from the retrofit manufacturer is received by TfL and the vehicle record has been updated.


During the grace period, the TfL vehicle checker will show the relevant vehicle(s) as compliant, but if after this period the vehicle has not been retrofitted, the vehicle status will revert to being non-compliant.   The daily charge will continue to be payable until the TfL vehicle checker shows a vehicle as being compliant, and this may take up to seven working days to occur.


If, after seven days the vehicle checker continues to show the vehicle as non-compliant, operators should check that the retrofit manufacturer has notified TfL of the booking. 


The grace period will end when TfL are notified by CVRAS that the vehicle has been retrofitted and complies with the LEZ emissions standards or after three months has elapsed.


Link to ‘waysto meet the LEZ standards’ on the TfL website: