Professional Transport Services

Highways England propose changes to Highway Code - have your say

3 Mar 2021

Have your say on the HIGHWAY CODE



Highways England are seeking views on proposed changes to The Highway Code that are intended to improve safety for users of motorways and other high-speed roads.  The consultation does not have a lengthy period to run, as it ends on 29th March, so if you’d like to respond it needs to be on the ‘to do list’.


Proposed amendments will include new and additional guidance on:


•            the availability, appearance, and safe use of emergency areas

•            the use of variable speed limits to manage congestion

•            the use of the red ‘X’ sign to close lanes and provide a safer area for the people and vehicles

              involved in incidents and roadworks

•            the use of hard shoulders that become extra lanes during periods of congestion

•            how road users can help keep themselves safe in the event of a breakdown

•            how safety cameras are employed to promote compliance with speed limits and lane    



Highways England also propose to include guidance that strengthens the Code in relation to other factors that are contributing to incidents on motorways and other high-speed roads such as:


•            driver fatigue

•            unroadworthy vehicles

•            unsafe towing

•            tailgating


The consultation period runs from 1 March 2021 until 23:59 on 29 March 2021


Use the link below to respond to the consultation