Professional Transport Services

England Road Map for Step 4 details released

7 Jul 2021

England Road Map for Step 4 details released


The Prime Minister held a press conference yesterday at 5PM where he announced the Governments plans for the implementation of Step 4 of the Road Map in England


The main points of particular interest to the PSV sector are:

•            Social distancing rules (2 metres or 1 metre with additional mitigations) will be removed

•            The legal requirements to wear a face covering will be removed in all settings. The                                Government will publish guidance that will advise the wearing of a face covering in                              enclosed and crowded spaces

•            Plans to replace bubbles for school pupils will be announced later today


It should be noted that the final decision on moving to Step 4 on 19 July will take place on Monday 12 July so until that date it is still possible that there will be changes to what will occur.


Currently the Safer Transport Guidance for Operators remains in place and this should continue to be followed.  This guidance may be removed entirely on 19 July, or substantially amended.


Further information for Step 4: